Wirenet Amiga Internet

Application Form

We are currently unable to take any orders for new Internet connections. We continue to support existing customers who will find more information in the Support section of this site.

Complete your details to open an Internet Access Account

If you have a forms capable browser, there is an online application form on this page.

Save this form, fill it out and post it with your cheque/PO for either £129 or £28.25, together with the a completed Standing Order Mandate for monthly payments, to:

Wirenet Amiga Internet
85 St Stephen Road
Great Sankey
If you wish to email it to us at sales@wire.net.uk , this may speed up your application, as it can be part-processed before your cheque arrives.

Your startup pack will be mailed out within two working days of receiving your application.



Current email:




You will be allocated an internet address of the form userid@hostname.u-net.com
Please give your choice of userid and hostname:

Userid:     ______________   2 - 8  lower case characters - your "handle"

Hostname:   ______________   2 - 15 lower case characters - your computer's "handle"

2nd choice: ______________

Password:   ______________   6 - 8 lower case letters

The software and installer is usually posted out on disks or CDROM.
If you have an existing Internet connection with the means to transfer
downloaded files to your Amiga, you may opt to download the software instead.

If you have bought the NetConnect software pack you should use that instead
of the Wirenet software.

Please mark ONE of the following options:

__ Software on disks
__ Software on CD
__ Download software
__ Use NetConnect

Thank you - now please send this form, cheque/PO, and Standing Order Mandate, for a monthly subscription, to the address at the top of the page.

Your account will opened within two working days of receiving your cheque.
IMPORTANT: When printing out this form, please ensure that the Standing Order Mandate appears on a single plage. If it is split across two pages, the bank will not accept it.

Standing Order Mandate

To the Manager  ....................................................   bank
Address         ....................................................

Sort code:      ..............    Account number: ..................

Account name:   ....................................................

Please pay the sum of £14.25 into the account below on the 1st/15th*
of each month, beginning with the month of ...........

Sort code:      20-91-48    Account number:   70162094
Account name:   Wirenet

Signature:  ..................................
Date:       ..................................
Telephone:  ..................................
* The standing order must be paid on the date soonest before the renewal is due. i.e if you subscribe before the 15th, then select the 1st. If you subscribe after the 15th, select the 15th. Your subscription renewal date remains on monthly intervals from the date the account is opened.

This page was last updated on 04-Jun-01.
This site is copyright © 2000 Wirenet
The "Amiga" name and Boing Ball logo are trademarks of Amiga Inc
All other trade marks and names are recognised